What is so great about an Oxygen Bar ?
A visit to a 2nd Wind oxygen bar will enable you to enjoy about 90% pure filtered oxygen, enriched with essential aroma therapy fragrances that leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized, like you just got your second wind!

What is an Oxygen Bar ?
A 2nd Wind oxygen bar is a free standing, portable, modular bar which can serve from one to 8 people at a time, and is operated by a trained technician. The oxygen is not kept under pressure or stored in tanks. Our oxygen is produced by recreational oxygen concentrators which take the ambient air containing about 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and 1% other gases like argon and carbon dioxide and compresses it into a molecular zeolite filter delivering about 90% pure filtered oxygen.

What are the benefits of adding aromatherapy ?
Aromatherapy fragrance can make us feel relaxed, energized, and even sensual so we flavor the oxygen with 6 to 12 different choices of aromas like peppermint, vanilla, eucalyptus, and grapefruit. Combining the aromatherapy with enriched filtered oxygen will make your visit to the 2nd Wind oxygen bar a refreshing and blissfully tranquil experience !

How is the oxygen administered ?
The o2 bar patron can choose to breathe through a recyclable nasal cannula (nose hose), or a high flow nozzle headset that looks more like an aerobic instructors headset microphone. A 2ND Wind portable oxygen bar can be enjoyed at night clubs, birthday parties, sporting events, trade-shows, office parties, conventions, weddings, fairs, festivals. This is the perfect way to bring people together in a very unique, social and healthy way.